
children practicing ballet

 Relevé (pronounced rel-uh-VEY) is a ballet term that means “to rise” in French.

The Relevé program is one of Milwaukee Ballet cornerstone Community Engagement initiatives, providing ballet training to 250 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students from three Milwaukee Public schools.

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Participating Schools

Participating schools for the 2023/24 school year are ALBA Elementary School, Allen-Field Elementary School, and Milwaukee Parkside School for the Arts.

Continuing Dance Education

Students participate in the year-long ballet training program with weekly classes, showcasing their growth at an end-of-year performance share at their school. Students receive their own pair of ballet shoes as part of the program. Once students graduate from 5th grade, they are eligible to receive a scholarship to attend classes through Milwaukee Ballet School & Academy for as long as they would like to dance.

Thank You!

 Relevé is made possible through the generous support of our sponsors.

UPAF Bright Minds presented by We Energies Foundation